Hows it going!


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Hello and welcome ! Plenty of OCN people have found their way here too. Have you done projects and/or are interested in one ?


Caliper Novice
May 4, 2016
Welcome! Maybe not as busy, but defnitely some interesting stuff going on here! Enjoy your time here! :)


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Nice to see you here! I quit going to OCN since I'm busy running this place, is your Acorn build still running well?


Airflow Optimizer
Original poster
Jun 5, 2016
Hello and welcome ! Plenty of OCN people have found their way here too. Have you done projects and/or are interested in one ?

I've done my Acorn build (might port the build log over here) and am looking at some interesting case designs for an upgraded version. Expect to see an idea thread floating around the projects section when I get the chance to clean up some renders.

Welcome! Maybe not as busy, but defnitely some interesting stuff going on here! Enjoy your time here! :)

Thanks! I'm definitely seeing some cool stuff already :D

Nice to see you here! I quit going to OCN since I'm busy running this place, is your Acorn build still running well?

The Acorn is going strong. It needs a case upgrade tho, while the Hadron was cool and I love the case, Its just not practical for my uses lol.


Standards Guru
Sep 3, 2015
I'm not sure what's nice about that. More people here is great and all, but that people aren't satisfied with another forum isn't anything to celebrate.

Anyways welcome ChainedHope. Can't say I recognize the name, but then I was never really all that active on OCN; too much bickering over "the stuff I bought is better and you're an idiot for getting something else".


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
It's just a different forum with a different focus, so it just says some people don't feel satisfied with the focus on SFF in those other forums.


Customizer of Titles
SFFn Staff
Feb 26, 2016
Anyways welcome ChainedHope. Can't say I recognize the name, but then I was never really all that active on OCN; too much bickering over "the stuff I bought is better and you're an idiot for getting something else".

That kind of stuff can get really annoying. I think regardless of AMD, Intel, Nvidia - at this point if you are buying new stuff and paying good money for it, you're going to get good performance. I doubt 1% of gamers could tell if a game was running on an X4 + R9 380 or an i5 + GTX 960 - even if looking at them side by side.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Valid point, most of the time it's expectations that spoil the experience. Since these are often benchmarked on enthusiast platforms...


Standards Guru
Sep 3, 2015
I figure a lot of it is the same reason people buy fast cars even if they never take it to the track: bragging rights. They want the best just for the sake of it, and anything that challenges that is an affront to the goal.
Perhaps I am not TOTALLY immune to that myself, I could have built my current machine for a fair bit less than I did, but I wanted a 950 Pro because reasons since I've never had a fast drive before (I love the load and boot times, but I do admit, the extra second or two a regular SSD would take isn't much in the grand scheme of things), though at the same time I wanted an M.2 drive for practical reasons, so why not get something modern than just a repackaged SATA.

I think the annoying bit is some people not being accepting of requirements aside from absolute performance. People seem to love hating on AMD, but they are still in business because it's easier to make a decent performing budget PC with them. That's why some of my previous cards were AMD, and I jumped on the AMD bandwagon when Eyefinity came out specifically because at the time Nvidia Surround required the purchase of two cards. Obviously for actual 3 screen gaming, the extra card was a boon, but for just rendering the desktop, it's useless.


Customizer of Titles
SFFn Staff
Feb 26, 2016
I'm in your boat Bird of Prey, I used to always try and buy high-end Nvidia/Intel stuff, but after awhile I started testing lower end stuff and realized for most things, I can't tell much difference. Finally I started trying AMD last year and realized it performs mostly the same and often has better features that will help me (more SATA3 ports for example on lower end boards). I still stick with Intel and Nvidia for because they have better driver support however.