Sennheiser PX 100-ii vs Jays V-Jays?


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2015
Any of you guys audiophiles? I've recently decided to switch my earbuds into earphones because they irritate my ears. My needs are:

Highly portable (it definitely needs to be able to fold)
Preferably open (don't want much sound isolation)
Clear, natural sound (I mostly listen to classical, podcasts/interviews, and watch movies/TV shows)
Wide soundstage (Something I really appreciate for some reason)
<$100 USD

From what I can tell, Sennheiser PX 100-ii and the Jays V-Jays are the ones that are closest to my needs. Do you guys know which one might be better? I can find both for around the same price, so price is not a deciding factor. Of course, any other recommendations that fit the bill is also very much appreciated.



Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
While I'm not an audiophile*, I'm not fond of the on-ear headphones, due to my experience and personal preference in their lack of low-frequency and discomfort. Sennheiser's in-ears I've used were also too much focused on high-frequency and lacked mid-range and low-end too. The Sennheiser HD555's (over-ear open headphones) I have don't have this issue and perform very well across the board but it needs amplification to shine. I could very well imagine the PX 100-ii's don't need this and will also be better mid-range and somewhat low-end too, but I'd investigate that. Even classical music can benefit from proper low-end reproduction with contrabass, trumpet instruments or pianos.

I also have a set of Brainwavz M2 in-ears which I enjoy with a good all-round reproduction and comfort, but since I'm rarely on the move daily for more than a minute or two, I'm not using these anymore in contrast to two or three years ago. But proper foam tips can help a lot with comfort too.

*In my opinion the term audiophile means someone who doesn't seek pleasure from listening to music, but from having the most perfect reproduction of sound that fits his needs. An oxymoron IMO. I'd rather use the term 'enthusiast' as it is much less stigmatized.


Virtual Realist
May 11, 2015
While I've only tired the PXC-250, not the PXC-100, they're noticeable inferior in terms of sound to in-ear heaphones, mostly bass dropoff and a being bit duller than desired at the upper end. Having a driver that small sitting outside of your ear canal is just not going to do very well, at least not without active amplification and equalisation (which will 'fix' any headphone, but is another story entirely).

If your issue with in-ears is irritation, have you looked into changing the tips? If you're not having much luck with the included rubber tips, Comply make aftermarket foam tips for a large range of headphones, and you can even get custom-moulded tips for a reasonable price now.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Mar 1, 2015
I you're willing to wait for a bit, then the excellent Philips Fidelio L1 headphones often go on Massdrop for around $105 (they're usually around $160-190).

They do charge shipping though.


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2015
Most of the headphones suggested here are either not portable enough for my needs or are over my budget. I ended up going with the Sennheiser PX 100-ii and I'm loving it so far! Great sound and soundstage, and it's very portable. My only complaint is that the clamping force is a bit high for my big head, so I have to remove it for like 10 minutes every 2 hours or so.